
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Treasure Huuunt!

I don't know what else people usually put in Santa Stockings other than presents and potatoes or coal, but for some reason in our house we have a tradition of adding oranges, walnuts and chocolate coins! We've done it for as long as I can remember, and I have some lovely Christmas memories of sitting in front of a cosy fire watching films, with my dad cracking walnuts and sharing out the pieces inside. 

This year, however, I was left to wrap Santa presents for not only my little sister, but for both of our boyfriends as well. Four whole bags of chocolate coins is a lot to ask one person to I decided rather than eating them all for myself, to sneakily hide them around the house and not tell anybody! Hehe!

They were hidden for about four days before I couldn't contain myself any more, I thought I would pop with anticipation! Every time someone walked past one without realising, I'd flare my nostrils with impatience and my face would erupt into a humongous horrifically hidden grin! It's safe to say, they all knew something was going on. 
It was Adam (my sister's boyfriend) whom I came clean to first, being the tallest person attending our Christmas he managed to spot a few straight away, with my stupid grins and his not so subtle eye darting to find more, it wasn't long until everyone knew. Luckily by then it was Christmas Eve-Eve, so not long to wait until the day, but it was difficult to keep an eye on everyone and make sure they weren't cheating!
Tom (my boyfriend) was the most difficult to restrain, from the moment I said "the coins are hidden" a childlike enthusiasm exploded from within him "TREASURE HUUUUUNT!!!" and he thundered off around the house flinging coats and shoes around to try and find some. I think it's safe to say he's as much of a big kid as I am :P
I had to re-hide quite a few coins which I knew people had found, but we couldn't wait until Christmas day in the end, so Christmas Eve we went through each room in the house and played "hot and cold" to find them all. I found it very frustrating as I wanted to find them all myself, and we were still finding coins we'd missed a couple of days later!

It was such good fun though and I'll definitely be hiding everyone's chocolate coins again next year. Sorry guys!

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